A gentle wave softly caresses your blistered feet,
Do you feel the soft yet sharp vapors kiss your face?
Suddenly you are being dragged into the water,
Do not fret friend, she will not hurt you.
She only wishes to embrace you,
She wishes to wash away your tears and pain,
She wishes to protect you from those on land,
Feel yourself connecting to her, flowing with her.
Like a mother’s careful and soft caress,
She gives you a sense of comfort,
But do not go too far, or you will lose yourself,
She only chooses to harm those who go too far.
Watch yourself, a current is flowing your way,
Why are you scared? She only wishes to protect you, friend,
But, how can she if you pollute her?
How can she if you pollute her blood?
The Water is soft, she flows without a care for others,
She, when provoked is capable of extreme disasters,
She, when respected is capable of subliminal moments,
She, the very element of beauty, power and comfort.
Let her embrace you friend, let your worries dissipate,
Let her take your soul in her soft hands,
Let her hold your limp body close to her heart,
Let her return you to where you were born.
Do you feel a wave pushing you upwards?
Upwards towards the surface of her heart,
Take solace in the fact she chose to leave you unharmed,
Remember my friend, one must never disturb still water.
Admire her, love her, respect her and value her,
Water cannot, rather should not be given a price tag,
she is beautiful but dangerous, fatal even,
If disrespected, only problems shall follow for you.
Be warned my friend, water exists in all things alive,
If she were to take the form of a human, she’d be hurt to see how we treat her,
She would cry tears of herself, at seeing how the life she gave birth to,
Is now treating her with the utmost disrespect.
Like a mother’s warm hug, she will embrace you,
Wholeheartedly, without judgment,
Yet remain alert dear friend, for the hug may result in you losing your voice,
Or worse, losing your life at the hands of a mere embrace.
Come, my friend, let us stop her from crying,
Let us flow with her, let us become one with her,
She gave life to Earth, she can take life from Earth,
Remember, water can be sublime, yet she very well could.
Take your life in the time it takes for a drop to fall,
From the sky, and straight into her heart.
Poet's Note: hey everyone, I hope you liked this piece! If you ask why I wrote this poem, it is because I feel that every human in this world was born from nature and has all the five elements of nature within ourselves. But deep down in our souls, we all immensely resonate with one particular element, that element is like us, we connect to it, and we feel that element merge with us, it drives us, it comforts us, it is what keeps us alive. For some, they may resonate with the burning passion of Fire, some with the warm comfort of Earth, some with the carefree flow of Air and some with the dangerous embrace of Water. I resonate with Water, let me know which element you resonate with, in the comment section below..!
Lovely writing Mahima, with eyes closed, feels like we are in her soft caress
A beautiful piece that truly touched my soul. Water is my element too:) lets be by her as she has always been by us through thick and thin.