Words and Words, they flow and flow,
Like a river maybe, or like a raging storm,
A writer’s blood is their tears and emotions,
Only on a paper so parched, a writer’s blood soaks deep.
A Tear is a drop of stinging and salty water,
For a writer, a tear contains an entire flurry of unbridled words,
A drop of Blood is a mere crimson drop of liquid,
For a writer, a drop of Blood contains a raging typhoon of raw emotion.
A writer’s blood is their tears and emotions,
Only on a paper so parched, a writer’s blood soaks deep,
Be it any human whomsoever,
Words shall never judge.
A paper on a table, a Quill and a bottle of ink lay nearby seemingly untouched,
Now look at the paper, do you see a writer’s blood or plain blue ink?
Very deep and profound Mahims. Loved it❤️
Never thought of it this way, gives me food for thought. Well written Mahima and understand the emotional write up